Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cosmetics, Cleaning and Coercion

I have been chemical free for almost two years now.  My extended family feel I have fallen off the deep end.  My reasons for becoming chemical free are numerous but here are a few. 
   1.  My skin is the largest organ of my body and everything we put on it is absorbed through the skin.  Nicotine patches, birth control, anti nausea medicine is all distributed through skin patches. 
  2.   Do you know what the label says?  Are the ingredients proprietary?
I started looking at the labels of cleaning products and cosmetics and I didn't know what half of them said.  If a company has a proprietary blend they don't even have to tell you what they put in it.  
DO YOU think that the huge companies making these products and also making millions really have your safety in mind???  Or are
they relying on your naivety and ignorance?  I think they are going to buy the cheapest ingredients possible.
3.  Did you know that parabens from cosmetic products have been found in breast cancer tumors?
4.  Scull and cross bones.  Is it neccessary to have products that are dangerous in your house?   NOOOO.  Common, cheap, natural items work just as well
5. Cancer, Endocrine disruption, Tumors, Skin problems, behavior disorders etc. etc et.  On the rise!!!!
6.  Saving money.  I rarely ever go in the cleaning or hygeine product aisles.  I can make anything I need at home.

The bottom line is that there are so many questions surrounding many modern conveniences and products.  The research is available and as a mom I feel it is my responsiblity to provide the safest healthiest environment possible for my children. 
Here is a link to my favorite site filled with tons of research and information on everything.  Please add this to your favorites.
Sorry if I have rambled or if anything I have written is confusing.  I am so passionate about this topic it is hard to put into words.  I will posting lots of recipes for your own homeade cosmetics, cleaning products etc. 
        OHHH, Coercion.   I almost forgot.  I have been preaching this stuff to my kids for a few years and it sooo funny to hear them say, " We can't eat fast food, it is unhealthy" or "No thank you, we don't do chemicals."  or walking through the store and passing by the chemical aisle, " Mom, get me out of here I smell artificial fragrances."
   I am diligent about this is at home, but everyone has to decide for themselves what is best for their family and I let my kids know that some people have decided not to dive off the deep end and that is okay. 

Don't forget to check this website out!
Environmental Working Group   


  1. Way to go Sara! :) Your children will be healthier adults because of all the toxic things your sheltered them from!

  2. It's sometimes overwhelming trying to keep chemicals out of your life because there are so many of them! Everything seems to be packaged in plastic! I have started in the shallow end and am moving forward slowly. I think it's important to encourage people to try and cut out as much as they can. Way to go!

  3. Sara; Are you willing to share your recipe for toothpaste and deodrant? I would love to go toxic free in our home. My son has Autism and he has to use deodrant----moves and never stops and cries to no end when he smells and taking a bath 1 hour before. God Bless you for being here! Virginia
