Saturday, August 28, 2010

Not Enough?????

Well, it is that time of year!  The time of year when I wonder if I have enough put up for the year.  I really stress over this, ya'll.   It bothers me.  My garden has been less than glorious this year.  The weather has been weird for Tennessee and some things just didn't produce as usual.  I have to continuosly remind myself that God will provide and I need to be satisfied with the abundance.    I am in a constant internal struggle over what I know to be true (God Providing) and what I am afraid might happen (not having enough and having to spend money I wanted to save at the grocery store)--  I guess there are worse things to worry about but I have a generally stress free, wonderful, blessed life.   I haven't counted all I have put up and to most it looks like a lot but is it???   I have two freezers.  One is full of beef, corn, fried okra, pesto, basil, peppers, zucchini, squash, and I can't remember what else--- Ohh yeah, blueberries.   The other has more corn, salsa, more okra, roasted tomatoes and that is about it. It is primarily still empty.  Boooo!!!!   Not much variety there.   I have two big canning cabinets and they are not full either.  Yikes, what am I gonna do? WWWHHHaaatttt am I gonna do?  In my cabinets I have canned Blueberry, Peach, Blackberry Jams, Salsa, Spaghetti Sauce,  Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Bar b Que sauce,  and green beans..  I am sure I am forgetting some but it is still not enough.  I have potatoes under my house and dried beans in jars.  I have also dried some herb flower heads. I am expecting to fill my second freezer with hog that will be slaughtered a little later.  I have also put out my fall garden out so that will fill up some more space.  What am I missing?  I will probably buy some extra produce.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cosmetics, Cleaning and Coercion

I have been chemical free for almost two years now.  My extended family feel I have fallen off the deep end.  My reasons for becoming chemical free are numerous but here are a few. 
   1.  My skin is the largest organ of my body and everything we put on it is absorbed through the skin.  Nicotine patches, birth control, anti nausea medicine is all distributed through skin patches. 
  2.   Do you know what the label says?  Are the ingredients proprietary?
I started looking at the labels of cleaning products and cosmetics and I didn't know what half of them said.  If a company has a proprietary blend they don't even have to tell you what they put in it.  
DO YOU think that the huge companies making these products and also making millions really have your safety in mind???  Or are
they relying on your naivety and ignorance?  I think they are going to buy the cheapest ingredients possible.
3.  Did you know that parabens from cosmetic products have been found in breast cancer tumors?
4.  Scull and cross bones.  Is it neccessary to have products that are dangerous in your house?   NOOOO.  Common, cheap, natural items work just as well
5. Cancer, Endocrine disruption, Tumors, Skin problems, behavior disorders etc. etc et.  On the rise!!!!
6.  Saving money.  I rarely ever go in the cleaning or hygeine product aisles.  I can make anything I need at home.

The bottom line is that there are so many questions surrounding many modern conveniences and products.  The research is available and as a mom I feel it is my responsiblity to provide the safest healthiest environment possible for my children. 
Here is a link to my favorite site filled with tons of research and information on everything.  Please add this to your favorites.
Sorry if I have rambled or if anything I have written is confusing.  I am so passionate about this topic it is hard to put into words.  I will posting lots of recipes for your own homeade cosmetics, cleaning products etc. 
        OHHH, Coercion.   I almost forgot.  I have been preaching this stuff to my kids for a few years and it sooo funny to hear them say, " We can't eat fast food, it is unhealthy" or "No thank you, we don't do chemicals."  or walking through the store and passing by the chemical aisle, " Mom, get me out of here I smell artificial fragrances."
   I am diligent about this is at home, but everyone has to decide for themselves what is best for their family and I let my kids know that some people have decided not to dive off the deep end and that is okay. 

Don't forget to check this website out!
Environmental Working Group   

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dull women

Lately I have been pondering the phrase "Dull women have clean houses" !  I am the queen of doing 20 little projects at once and if you are reading this blog you probably are too!  If you look around my house you will find little stacks of project stuff and things I have bought or recycled for upcoming projects.  It doesn't lay around forever because I am certainly not lazy and am always working on something, but there are always messes somewhere!  I am not going to post pictures of my "bomb" of a house right now (It is canning season!)  but believe me it is bad.  Along with the peppers hanging from every rafter there are cookbooks, sewing patterns, fabric, jars, magazines full of new ideas and much MUCH more.  My point is that up until now I have always believed the above to be true!  I don't like unexpected company and when it is clean it is really really clean but it really doesn't bother me that much because I believe there are more important things.  I try to read my bible twice a day.  More than once when housework is calling God has also been calling me to do a devotion so I believe that we should try to keep a clean home but obviously other things are more important.
   So why have I been pondering this lately????   Well, my youngest starts kindergarten on Thursday and I will be at home all by myself until 3:00 in the afternoon.  It has just donned on me that I may actually have time to keep my house immaculate.  My 4 year old won't be following behind me pulling out things I just put up. To tell you the truth, the idea of a quite, clean house all sound a little "DULL" to me!  So over the next few weeks I am going to try hard to clean a little but not too much because I refuse to be dull! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gray Hair

No that is not me-but it will be in a few years!
Today's blog post will be short and sweet because I am up to my ears in canning and trying to get my fall garden out this week and have limited time.
I am in my mid 30's.  I think I started getting gray hair in my early 20's.  I used to color my hair at home but I am too tight with my money to get it done much in the salon.  I have been color free for about a year now!   I don't color my hair because I don't want to be high maintenance and I don't like putting anything artificial on my skin or hair that could be absorbed into my body.  At first my husband would comment on how gray I was getting but now it has all kind of blended in.  I have cut my hair a few times in the last year to cut some of the old color out.  There are some natural-ish hair dyes but if I can go gray gradually and naturally I am okay with that.   You have to dye your hair more often if you use the natural dyes anyway, which translates to more money.
"Over 5,000 different chemicals are used in hair dye products, some of which are reported to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in animals.. Because so many people use hair dyes, scientists have tried to determine whether exposure to the chemicals in hair coloring products is associated with an increased risk of cancer in people." National Cancer Institute

Friday, August 6, 2010

Meal Planning and my shrinking Grocery costs

I have been trying to reduce my grocery costs to $50 a week.

I try to grow many things in my garden and make as much as I can from scratch. I still have to buy dairy products right now because I have not convinced my husband that we really, really need a goat. He says they are escape artists and will destroy my landscape and garden and I should go try to milk someone elses goat first. I am just going to save my own (non existent money- because I don't work) and buy one myself!! So Ha.

I have discovered that it works out much better if I plan my meals. I am a real procrastinator and get bored of things quickly so this will be a challenge but I am determined to be a money saving person from now on. I have been in a rut for some time making the same meals over and over again and have been trying to broaden my horizons with new meals. Cooking is awesome. Ten years ago I could only make a handful of different meals and now I can cook anything and even dream up my own concoctions. Sooo.. If you think you can't cook.. You are wrong! Try it! It's fun.

Anyway.... Meal Planning. Now I am going to different websites and blogs to find great meal ideas. I have made a spread sheet that I plug the names of the meals into. I also write down where I found them in case I need to refer back to them. I have an area beside the calendar of meals that I list all the ingredients needed. I also add anything else I think of during the week to that list. My husband gets paid on Fridays so that is when I go spend all of his money. That is also the day of the week my calendar starts over. I have found that a little planning helps me save more money and I don't have to worry about coming up with something the day I need it and not having the ingredients!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rendering Tallow

About a month ago we ran out of freezer beef. We got another one slaughtered and had to pick it up at the slaughter house the other day. I have learned since I started FULL ON homesteading that there are cycles and rhythms to everything. For instance we always try to calve in the spring. Spring is also the time to plant the garden and subsequently preserve it all. As you know that takes quite a bit of time. In the fall the animals are slaughtered and the fall garden matures and is preserved. Winter is when I make soap, sew clothes and other household items, bake bread, and get creative making jewelry and hair accessories. Well the beef was done early this year because we ran out. We usually split a beef with my mother and father in law. They get one half and we get one half. Since we are 5 people and they are 2 that always seemed weird. Anyway, with this steer we got 3/4 of it so my freezer is extra full. (In fact, we went and bought a second freezer this past weekend.) Along with the new meat I also got all the fat from the 1300 lb. steer. I did not have the space to freeze it at that time so I had to render it. Imagine rendering tallow in 95 degree Tennessee weather. The humidity has been insane this year and I felt pretty insane rendering the tallow. It took about half the day and I was pouring down sweat the entire time. I had my chacos on until my toes and the hairs on my legs where burnt (Yes, I do shave my legs but my hair grows pretty quick). I then put long pants and boots on for the duration. My husband made me a long paddle out of oak to stir the tallow in and a squeezy thing to squeeze the cracklins! I kept thinking how much fun it would have been to do this in the fall or winter! I now have two 5 gallon buckets of white beef tallow that is perfect for making a nice hard bar of soap! ........ In the winter.
   By they way, the big cast iron pot was my husbands grandmother's.  Our farm has been in the family for over 200 years and it is exciting to know I am stirring the same pot that she did!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BPA Free canning lids--Finally

As many of you know in my quest to run a chemical free household I have had issues at every corner. I started putting up food for the entire year so I would not have to go to the grocery store. I have been heading in this direction for almost a year making my own cleaning products, soaps, cosmetics, etc. Since I am also in the fitness industry, I have mostly tried to eat around the outside aisles of the grocery store. I have had a garden for three years now and have tried to preserve everything I can. My goal, as I said before it to not go to the grocery store. I am most worried about plastics and preservatives. I knew that canning lids had BPA in them but reasoned that it was better to put up my own veggies anyway. Almost all of the canned foods you buy in the store are packed in tin cans which are coated on the inside with BPA so the can won't rust. I have recently found out that Tattler Canning Lids are the only lid you can buy without BPA. They are gauranteed for life, dishwasher safe and most importantly BPA Free. Can you hear the excitement in my voice????? Visit the website and GET YA SOME!! Thanks goes to Homestead Revival for turning me on to Tattler!