Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BPA Free canning lids--Finally

As many of you know in my quest to run a chemical free household I have had issues at every corner. I started putting up food for the entire year so I would not have to go to the grocery store. I have been heading in this direction for almost a year making my own cleaning products, soaps, cosmetics, etc. Since I am also in the fitness industry, I have mostly tried to eat around the outside aisles of the grocery store. I have had a garden for three years now and have tried to preserve everything I can. My goal, as I said before it to not go to the grocery store. I am most worried about plastics and preservatives. I knew that canning lids had BPA in them but reasoned that it was better to put up my own veggies anyway. Almost all of the canned foods you buy in the store are packed in tin cans which are coated on the inside with BPA so the can won't rust. I have recently found out that Tattler Canning Lids are the only lid you can buy without BPA. They are gauranteed for life, dishwasher safe and most importantly BPA Free. Can you hear the excitement in my voice????? Visit the website and GET YA SOME!! Thanks goes to Homestead Revival for turning me on to Tattler!


  1. Sara,
    Thanks for mentioning Homestead Revival™. Best wishes for the give-away!

  2. I worry about that too. I didn't know that these were available. I know quite a few people who will be happy to hear it. Thanks!!

  3. Amy,
    Thanks for turning me onto the Tattler lids.

  4. Your so Welcome Amanda! I hope you are doing well!
