Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trip to South Pittsburg

I had a wonderful day today. My garden is overwhelming right now, I have a cob playhouse in the works, cabinets to stain and install in my basement and numerous other projects going on so when my husand said he needed to go to South Pittsburg on this beautiful Saturday I wasn't quite sure I wanted to. Then he told me that Lodge Cast Iron is made in South Pittsburg and they have an outlet. Clear my calendar for the day, I am on my way to S. Pittsburg. It is about 1 1/2 hours from my house and we had to stop and pick up tractor parts and the new weed eaters so I was good and ready to shop when we arrived. It is a wonderland in there. I mostly use cast iron but don't have a huge collection. We go camping a lot at the mountain house and we use my dad's huge assortment of gigantic skillets and dutch ovens, but I would like to have my own. I cook on cast iron because I am worried about the coatings that are used on cookware these days, I am kind of a survivalist and I need to be prepared to cook on the fire when I need to, and I love to clean my skillets and keep them nice and seasoned. They retain heat well and are so much easier to cook in. Ohh yeah, and they keep your biceps pumped up!!!! Today I just bought a deep skillet/pot with a lid that doubles as a skillet and a 5 quart Dutch oven (I am planning on making lots of bread to freeze) . I would have bought more but it turns out my husband wanted me to use my money to pay instead of his and since I am soooo cheap I went and put some stuff back. When I returned to the counter to pay he had already payed for my things. How sweet!!!! If only I could have picked out more. I will continue adding to my collection over the years! We also stopped at Hammer's! I love that store. It is mostly work wear and household items that are irregulars or discontinued or something. I got my youngest daughter some new overalls and sweatshirt jackets for school. She starts kindergarten in a few weeks.
I am back home and back to the grind stone for now......

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