Saturday, July 17, 2010

Old blog

I started a blog awhile back called Go Sara. At that time in my life I was totally focused on getting my body back to what it previously was before my third daughter. I am in the process of designing a plus sized clothing line from organic materials and this is still one of my goals, but God is moving me in a new direction that has brought me total PEACE for the first time in my life. Go Sara focused on, Guess Who? ME..... I have taught aerobics, trained women in weight lifting, and taught folks how to lose weight for many years.. I taught them about the power within themselves and how they could do anything. I blogged about writing on my hand everyday the words "Go Sara" with a sharpie so that I would be reminded of my own power to shape my destiny. Well, guess what? I am wrong. Yes, I am a strong woman... Yes, I am can do anything... but NOT alone. I have always been a Christian and am in fact, an elder in my Church. Over the past year God has shown me the way he wants me to live (more about all that later) and great peace has come from that. It is truly amazing. So, now I am starting a new blog. A blog about farming my land, trying to become self sufficient (so I don't have to go to the grocery store), my relationship with my creator, and my family. I am not the best writer, but I am excited to share my experiences and excited to read about yours.


  1. Sara, it's very exciting to hear that God is speaking into your life! (Doesn't He always? I guess we're just not great listeners most of the time!) Many blessings as you make your new journey on becoming "God-sufficient". I think homesteading is definitely one of the ways He develops that in us!

  2. Amy,
    Thank you for the comment. I totally agree with you! It is so very exciting. I used to be an extremely hyper person but I have been overcome with peace. When I finally surrendered everything and realized that it wasn't all about me I felt and still feel an overwhelming calm. I am able to listen and hear what God is telling me! It truly is amazing!
